
Sebastien Morin

La musique et l'image Instagram Soundcloud Youtube ARTIST: Sebastien Morin DATE OF START: 2020 PROJECT IN PROGRESS Photo: Sebastien Morin Photo: Serge Mosnier SOUND DESIGNER For the past few years, Sebastien Morin has been rehearsing regularly in the premises next door to Stefan Colomb's studio. They regularly bump into each other and start talking about music. [...]

Sound Collections

Listen to see Sound collections Periodes 2010-2012 Photos: Stefan Colomb Photos: Christophe Rué Photos: Céline Duvignere From a very early age, Stefan Colomb has been fascinated by sounds - their origins, the sensations they evoke and the images they conjure up, all of which stimulate the imagination. His sound recording equipment is always kept in the trunk of his [...].

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