Author : scolomb

Audio Tour Guide

Audio guide Historique et Touristique Association " La vitrine de châtel " DATE DE DÉBUT : 2023 DATE DE FIN : 2025 End of year 2023 the association La vitrine de Châtel located in Châtel-Montagne in the Bourbonnaise mountains, contacts Stefan Colomb, for the elaboration of an audio project on an existing hiking trail. After a few meetings to discuss the [...]

Ennezat Music School

Residency & Concert Instagram Facebook Whatsapp At the invitation of the Ennezat music school and its guitar teacher, Julien Bernard, and Rémi Aurine-Belloc, Stefan Colomb joined the school's musicians for a weekend residency, to share the experience of performing under professional conditions. Exchanges and sharing provided an opportunity to approach interpretation and [...]


Slam, Rock, Hybride Instagram Facebook Youtube Apple Spotify Deezer photo credit: © Sophie Hervet Making heard the silence of those we don't hear enough. AMBER L'HISTOIRE Ambre has lived for several years in the rehearsal space next door to Stefan Colomb's production studio. They sometimes bump into each other in the corridors, and share their [...]

Actus - News - Infos

2024 News & INFOS The latest news, information on current and upcoming activities, and all you need to know at a glance about creations, achievements and productions. SUBSCRIBE TO THE JULY NEWSLETTER Full podcast of "Mathieu en immersion", recorded last June in Stefan Colomb's design and production studio [...]

Cie Imprévue

Editing, mixing, production Teasers shows Instagram Facebook Youtube ARTIST: Cie Imprévue BEGINNING: 2021 In progress photo credit: © Nathalie Marion In 2021, Aurélie Benoit, choreographer of the professional Cie Imprévue, called on Stefan Colomb. His knowledge of dance performance enables a clearer artistic dialogue and anticipation of the [...]

2022 Retro

2022 archives SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER NEW SONG PROJECT December 13, 2022 Over the past few weeks, new studio sessions have been underway with guitarist Julien Bernard. New song project for Mathilde. to be continued #studio36Vichy PRESS ARTICLE November 26, 2022 Philippe Thivat, sports journalist and correspondent for the newspaper La semaine de l'Allier, writes [...].

Sebastien Morin

La musique et l'image Instagram Soundcloud Youtube ARTIST: Sebastien Morin DATE OF START: 2020 PROJECT IN PROGRESS Photo: Sebastien Morin Photo: Serge Mosnier SOUND DESIGNER For the past few years, Sebastien Morin has been rehearsing regularly in the premises next door to Stefan Colomb's studio. They regularly bump into each other and start talking about music. [...]

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