Year: 2021


"Jogo" Soul Pop Funk Soundcloud November 2012 marks the creation of a new Pop/Funk/Blues band project in which Stefan Colomb will share the stage with David Guilhen, Fred Artus, and Hugo Dessauges. "Jogo" is four letters, four musicians with different musical cultures: blues, groove, funky gimmicks, the intoxication of pop melodies or the warmth of chords [...].


Arrangements, productions, stages with Papillon Previous slide Next slide Facebook ARTIST : Dany Rodriguez DATE OF START : 2004 DATE OF END : 2007 Photo credit: JM Tessonier Evolution from 2004 to 2007 Stefan Colomb met Dany Rodriguez (Lanoir) in 2004 during a creative residency in St Nectaire. As a result of their mutual understanding [...]

A step towards you in the Allier

Production feature film FILM: UPVV START DATE: 2016 END DATE: 2020 The "Un Pas Vers Vous" adventure began for Stefan Colomb in 2016. "Un Pas Vers Vous dans l'Allier" is a documentary comedy about the Allier department, co-directed and scripted by Christopher Tourneur, Marie Julien, and Stefan Colomb. The Picth of the film This long [...]


Musical Direction & Arrangement "Biembart" In August 2004, the Biembart company and its artistic director Martial Roland Youlou asked Stefan Colomb to produce their project "Tamtam sur l'équateur". They also entrusted him with musical direction, writing arrangements and interpretation, as well as studio recording and mixing. This project is [...]

The Zinzins du BlaBla

Original music from the Slam CD In November 2009, Stefan Colomb began his contribution to the project "Les zinzins du blabla" which will be launched in May 2010. The children of the Maison du Chambon, supervised by animators, participate in the project "Contest Urbain", organised by the Service Enfance Jeunesse of the city.

Musical creation Animated film

Un Air de Pixel" offers Stefan Colomb two music writing projects in May 2011. The company is supervising two video interventions with CE1 and CM2 classes at Mezel school in the Puy-de-Dôme department, to produce two short "frame by frame" animated films in paper and clay.

Relaxation CD

Creation of relaxation music In September 2012, Christine Bondu, energy therapist, entrusted Stefan with the creation of her first CD. During several months, they elaborate together the sound textures that will be used. It is a question of finding the tone, the way of speaking and especially of recording in order to transmit, just by the sound of the music, the [...]

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