
Audio Tour Guide

Audio guide Historique et Touristique Association " La vitrine de châtel " DATE DE DÉBUT : 2023 DATE DE FIN : 2025 End of year 2023 the association La vitrine de Châtel located in Châtel-Montagne in the Bourbonnaise mountains, contacts Stefan Colomb, for the elaboration of an audio project on an existing hiking trail. After a few meetings to discuss the [...]

Audio guide History

Audio guide recording and development History ARTIST: Maison Enfance DATE OF START: 2015 DATE OF END: 2017 From November to December 2015, Stefan Colomb met every Friday with the children of the TAP "Temps d'Activités Périscolaires" at the Maison de l'Enfance in Cusset to record an "audio guide pilot". This project is [...]

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