Recording & Production Studio


Musical Direction & Arrangement "Biembart" In August 2004, the Biembart company and its artistic director Martial Roland Youlou asked Stefan Colomb to produce their project "Tamtam sur l'équateur". They also entrusted him with musical direction, writing arrangements and interpretation, as well as studio recording and mixing. This project is [...]

Relaxation CD

Creation of relaxation music In September 2012, Christine Bondu, energy therapist, entrusted Stefan with the creation of her first CD. During several months, they elaborate together the sound textures that will be used. It is a question of finding the tone, the way of speaking and especially of recording in order to transmit, just by the sound of the music, the [...]

Creation Recording studio Studio Z

The beginning of the Facebook production In 2003, Stefan Colomb felt the need to find a place to work. He therefore proposed to the company Zèbre Théâtre, today Procédé Zèbre directed by Fabrice Dubusset, Artistic Director, with whom he has worked since 2000, to create a recording and rehearsal studio in the [...].

Banda de Chabreloche

Production of the new album "Deuxième Cuvée" Instagram Facebook In June 2012 the Banda de Chabreloche entrusted Stefan Colomb with the production of their second album "Deuxième cuvée". The album features 17 festive tracks, sure to make you want to go and see, play, listen to and discover this 40-strong band. The band's wish was to have a [...]

The Cello Journey

"la prose du Transsibérien" La compagnie Modul'artis has among its creations a show featuring four cellists and a narrator. At the end of 2013, Stefan Colomb had the great pleasure of recording, mixing and producing the sound for Invitation au voyage, which in this case was not written by Charles Baudelaire. This [...]


Production new album "Rolling Thunder" Instagram Facebook Stefan Colomb and the Black Cat Bones have known each other for several years. It was in 2018, during residencies for their album project, that the Blues duo then made up of Laurie and Philippe Thivat, approached Stefan Colomb following his advice on recording, production, mixing, arrangements [...].


Production of the new album "Accords et Âmes" Facebook Instagram ARTIST:YANNICK GILLOT START DATE: MARCH 2021 END DATE: OCTOBER 2021 photo: Perception Films Stefan Colomb met French singer Yannick Gillot at one of his concerts in 2018. He really likes the singer's lyrics. Yannick keeps in touch with Stefan, telling him [...].

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